Interstate Signs

Our Interstate signs conform to Federal M.U.T.C.D. standards and are made from high quality reflective films on .080" aluminum. Enter a number and state name to customize the Interstate shield. You have the option to create a unique sign that represents your desired state or opt for a sign without a state name. Follow these simple instructions to design your custom interstate sign. Choose your state: Pick from any of the 50 US states to display on your sign. If you prefer not to include a state, simply select "BLANK" during the customization process. Choose your digits: You can pick 1, 2, or 3 digits to be displayed on your sign. For single or double-digit signs, the standard 24 inch sign size will be used. For three-digit signs, please note that a wider sign is required. The dimensions for the three-digit interstate sign will be 30 inches wide by 24 inches tall.
This 360 view shows an actual interstate sign that was purchased from this page. The pictures shows a 24 inch by 24 inch interstate 90 sign without a state name. All 3 digit signs are 30 inches wide by 24 inches tall.
Information on Interstates and Numbered Highway Systems
The purpose of numbering and signing highway systems is to identify routes and facilitate travel. The Interstate and United States (U.S.) highway systems are numbered by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) upon recommendations of the State highway organizations because the respective States own these systems. State and County road systems are numbered by the appropriate authorities. The basic policy for numbering the U.S. and Interstate highway systems is contained in the following Purpose and Policy statements published by AASHTO (see Page i for AASHTO’s address): A. “Establishment and Development of United States Numbered Highways”; and B. “Establishment of a Marking System of the Routes Comprising the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways.” Guidance: The principles of these policies should be followed in establishing the above highway systems and any other systems, with effective coordination between adjacent jurisdictions. Care should be taken to avoid the use of numbers or other designations that have been assigned to Interstate, U.S., or State routes in the same geographic area. Overlapping numbered routes should be kept to a minimum. Standard: Route systems shall be given preference in this order: Interstate, United States, State, and County. The preference shall be given by installing the highest-priority legend on the top or the left of the sign panel.